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Tag Rating


Tag Rating is a rating calculated based on problems with specific tags, similar to AC Rating. A programmer's tag tier is determined based on the tag rating.

  • Reference: Guide Tags, Guide Tiers and AC Rating

Checking Tag Rating

You can check the tag rating at the bottom of the Tag Distribution section on your profile page.

Tag Rating card on the profile page

Target and Tiers

Tag ratings are calculated only for tags with 500 or more problems registered on solved.ac.

Tag tiers are divided into 32 levels, just like the tiers of the AC rating.


The tag rating is determined by a formula similar to the AC rating calculation, but with a slightly different formula. The detailed calculation method is as follows.

(Tag Rating)=(Sum of the difficulty values of the top 50 problems solved in the tag)×2+200×(10.99(Number of problems solved in the tag))\begin{aligned} \left(\text{Tag Rating}\right) &= \left(\text{Sum of the difficulty values of the top }\underline{\color{blue}50}\text{ problems solved in the tag}\right) \underline{\color{blue}\times\,2} \\ &+ \left\lfloor \underline{\color{blue}200}\times \left(1-\underline{\color{blue}0.99}^{\left(\text{Number of problems solved in the tag}\right)}\right) \right\rceil \\ \end{aligned}

x\left\lfloor x \right\rceil means rounding xx to an integer.

  • solved.ac also uses icons to represent the difficulty of problems, just like the programmer's tier.
    • Difficulty value refers to the difficulty of the problem, converted to 1 point for Bronze V, 2 points for Bronze IV, … 30 points for Ruby I. The higher the difficulty of the problem, the higher the rating you can achieve.
    • Reference: Guide Problem Level
  • You can receive up to 200 bonus ratings based on the number of problems solved.
    • The number of problems solved excludes problems marked as 'Extra' and Unrated problems on Baekjoon Online Judge.
  • Unlike the AC rating, there are no bonus ratings based on CLASS grades or contribution bonus ratings.

Major Tags

The following eight tags are tags designated by solved.ac as major tags. The ratings of these tags are displayed as a radar chart on the tag distribution card on the profile page.

  • Mathematics (math)
  • Implementation (implementation)
  • Greedy Algorithms (greedy)
  • Strings (string)
  • Data Structures (data_structures)
  • Graph Theory (graphs)
  • Dynamic Programming (dp)
  • Geometry (geometry)