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  • Problem Level

Problem Level

Problems by Level

Problem levels are the difficulties assigned to problems on Baekjoon Online Judge by solved.ac contributors.

Since the problem levels are determined by contributors, they may change over time except for some problems with fixed levels.


The general problem levels are divided into 30 tiers. From the bottom to the top of the table, and the lower the number, the higher the tier.

Each problem has a level value from 1 to 30. Bronze V is given 1 point, Bronze IV is given 2 points, and so on, up to Ruby I. The top 100 problems with the highest level values are used for calculating the AC rating.

  • Reference: Guide Tiers and AC Rating
Ruby V – IRuby VRuby IVRuby IIIRuby IIRuby IFew or no teams solves the problem in international championships
Diamond V – IDiamond VDiamond IVDiamond IIIDiamond IIDiamond IHard problems for programming contests
Platinum V – IPlatinum VPlatinum IVPlatinum IIIPlatinum IIPlatinum ITypical to hard problems for programming contests
Gold V – IGold VGold IVGold IIIGold IIGold IHard problems for coding interviews
Silver V – ISilver VSilver IVSilver IIISilver IISilver ITypical problems for coding interviews
Bronze V – IBronze VBronze IVBronze IIIBronze IIBronze IFor beginners in algorithm problem-solving

Sprout Problems

Sprout Problems List

Some easy problems recommended by solved.ac for beginners are classified as Sprout Sprout level and are marked with a light green icon.

Sprout level problems have the same level as Bronze level problems with the same number. Similarly, the level values of Sprout problems are Sprout 1 point, Sprout 2 points, and so on, up to Sprout 5 points.

Sprout V – I+SproutSproutSproutSproutSproutSproutEasy problems recommended for beginners

Special Cases

There are some problems that do not fall into the above categories due to various reasons such as lack of contributions. The level values of the following problems are 0.

  • Not ratable Unrated: Problems with no contributions yet
  • Unrated Not ratable: Problems that cannot be rated
  • Warning Problem-solving Warning: Problems with a rated level of 0 due to reasons such as duplicate problems and problem errors

For more information on these levels, please refer to the guide Special Cases of Problem Levels.

Advanced Search

Problem Search

You can search for problems using the problem levels in the solved.ac search bar. Here are some examples:

  • *b: Bronze problems (including Sprout problems)
  • *b1..g5: Bronze IGold V problems (including Sprout I)
  • *0: Unrated and Not ratable problems

For more information on search syntax, please visit the link above.